Did you see her "Shop With Coupons" layout?? It is SO cute! I really love Diane's kit that she used. I think Laura had this layout done almost before the ink had dried on the challenge post! That girl is QUICK!
As you can see, I have posted my layout. My Mamaw and my Aunt passed on a love of fabric and quilting to me. I'm the only grandchild that even showed an interest in learning. I loved the impromptu 'quilting bees' that happened at my Mamaw's house. My Papaw had made her quilting frame and it was attached to a rope and could be raised up to the ceiling when not in use and lowered when she wanted to quilt. As a child, I would sit under that quilt frame and listen to the adults gossip and laugh. It was literally music to my ears. I think they knew I was under there because sometimes they whispered! Once I was old enough to thread a needle on my own Mamaw said it was time to teach me to quilt. My stitches weren't even close to being as small as hers, but she let me stitch away. I was finally quilting with the adults! How proud was I!
My layout is my tribute to my Mamaw and my Aunt and the love of quilting they gave me. I hope you enjoy it. My journaling reads:
Thanks to my Mamaw and my Aunt NettieBeth. They were avid quilters and I loved sitting under that quilting frame when I was small. I can still hear their laughter when someone told some juicy gossip! Mamaw said she did some of her best thinking and problem-solving when she had a needle and thread in her hand. They taught me the joy of friendship while sitting around that quilt frame, also. Every female that entered Mamaw’s house when the frame was up was invited to sit down and put in a few stitches. Some wonderful friendships developed around those quilts. When I look at Mamaw’s quilts now I can still remember some of the stories told while she was working on that quilt. More importantly, I can remember those friends who are no longer with us. I’m the only grandchild who embraced Mamaw’s love of quilting and I’ve tried to instill it in my own children. While they appreciate it, they have yet to pick up that needle and thread, but there’s still time for that.
Simply Sarah: Template
Sausan Designs: Alpha
Christina Renee: Background, stitches
Jennifer Bolton: Teeny Tags
Font: DJBJeannieScript
Until Thursday....