Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Challenge #5 - I Love Quilting

At least I didn't wait until the last minute to finish this challenge. I don't think Laura's poor heart could take another last minute submission! I have apologized for worrying Laura and I think she's ok now.

Did you see her "Shop With Coupons" layout?? It is SO cute! I really love Diane's kit that she used. I think Laura had this layout done almost before the ink had dried on the challenge post! That girl is QUICK!

As you can see, I have posted my layout. My Mamaw and my Aunt passed on a love of fabric and quilting to me. I'm the only grandchild that even showed an interest in learning. I loved the impromptu 'quilting bees' that happened at my Mamaw's house. My Papaw had made her quilting frame and it was attached to a rope and could be raised up to the ceiling when not in use and lowered when she wanted to quilt. As a child, I would sit under that quilt frame and listen to the adults gossip and laugh. It was literally music to my ears. I think they knew I was under there because sometimes they whispered! Once I was old enough to thread a needle on my own Mamaw said it was time to teach me to quilt. My stitches weren't even close to being as small as hers, but she let me stitch away. I was finally quilting with the adults! How proud was I!

My layout is my tribute to my Mamaw and my Aunt and the love of quilting they gave me. I hope you enjoy it. My journaling reads:

Thanks to my Mamaw and my Aunt NettieBeth. They were avid quilters and I loved sitting under that quilting frame when I was small. I can still hear their laughter when someone told some juicy gossip! Mamaw said she did some of her best thinking and problem-solving when she had a needle and thread in her hand. They taught me the joy of friendship while sitting around that quilt frame, also. Every female that entered Mamaw’s house when the frame was up was invited to sit down and put in a few stitches. Some wonderful friendships developed around those quilts. When I look at Mamaw’s quilts now I can still remember some of the stories told while she was working on that quilt. More importantly, I can remember those friends who are no longer with us. I’m the only grandchild who embraced Mamaw’s love of quilting and I’ve tried to instill it in my own children. While they appreciate it, they have yet to pick up that needle and thread, but there’s still time for that.

Simply Sarah: Template
Sausan Designs: Alpha
Christina Renee: Background, stitches
Jennifer Bolton: Teeny Tags
Font: DJBJeannieScript

Until Thursday....

Monday, July 30, 2007

Font used in my layout

The barcode font that is in my layout can be found here When you get to the sight just search for barcode. It is a free font.

Challenge 5 - Shop with Coupons

I know I said I was going to wait till Wed to post my layout but I just could not wait. I'm the type of person that when she gets an assignment she has to do it right away or it will nag at me until I get it done.

I thought and thought about this challenge but the only thing that kept coming back to me was how my dad influenced me to shop and use coupons. Since this is something I do weekly on Sundays I thought it was the best thing to scrap about.

I remember when I was growing up my dad would clip coupons on a weekly basis. He would also make a list from the supermarket flyer for the week. We would go food shopping together. We used the coupons that he had collected and he would save money on the purchases that he made. Now that I am married, I continue to clip coupons. Every Sunday I sit at the kitchen table with my daughter Victoria who likes to collect the coupons as I clip and sort through them. I participate in a coupon exchange through the mail so I have lots of coupons at my disposal. My dad taught me the process of clipping and saving money. I save from $20 to $50 a week depending on sales. Thanks Dad for sharing your knowledge of saving money by clipping coupons.

All Night Diner by Diane Isbell
Fonts: Bookshelf Symbol 7
DSP JpysGrl
barcode font

Until Thursday.

I'm Back & Challenge 4 Completed

Poor Laura! I had her worried while I was away last week. I did talk to her via phone (and she has the cutest accent!) last Thursday to find out what challenge 4 was. I was in a very small east Texas town and their library didn't even have internet access! I felt SO isolated! I did get my layout done while I was away. I just didn't have a way to upload it. Well, it's all finished, uploaded and submitted now so Laura....BREATHE!

Here's my interpretation of Challenge 4:

My husband, Lee, is taking early retirement in four years when my youngest daughter graduates from high school. Our goal is to sell everything (house, possessions, etc.) and start living full-time in our 5th wheel and traveling across the country. We're so excited and can hardly wait! My family thinks we're a little crazy, but they've always expected oddball things from me so they weren't totally surprised when we told them. It's been a dream of mine half my life to do this and, luckily, I married a man with the same dream! Isn't life great?

Ok...I'm off to check out Challenge 5 since it's been spotted already. Laura said it's about journaling and that's not really my strongest part of scrapbooking. I may have to do some thinking on this one!


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Challenge 5 - I'm Stressing

Challenge 5 was spotted. I'm stressing. I'm not stressing about the challenge (well, maybe a little), I'm mainly stressing because my partner is missing. She's away and has no internet access. Supposed to be returning today. She has to upload her layout for 4 and we have to submit our 4 layouts by tonight in order to stay in the race. If we miss the deadline we are disqualified for the grand prize. Sure hope Gail shows up soon so I can relax.

So you want to know about Challenge 5? It's all about journaling. Someone in your life has taught you something that has stuck with you. What is it? Do a layout and write about it.

This one I think I may have to think about for a while. I do have one thing in mind but to get photos of this will be a bit of a challenge. No hinting. Sorry.

Well, off for a nap and maybe I'll dream about Gail returning. Think Happy Thoughts.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Challenge 4 - Complete - Laura

I've been so meaning to use the templates from Ruby Q Hammer that I have been collecting for a couple of months now. She has been doing templates for each letter of the alphabet. Finally, I'm using one. This page was using her G template. I also used Rainbows End by Lauren Bavin. Since I keep track on a daily basis how many scrapbook pages I complete this was just at the top of my head when I read the challenge. So quickly I made my page in no time at all. I really like the results too.

Gail is away. She will be calling me tomorrow morning for the challenge information as she has her laptop with her. Hopefully she will have internet access by Sunday with her completed page. Hope it's an easy one for her to complete while she's away. So glad it's not a collaboration one or we would have some trouble completing the race with little internet access on her side. Well, talk to you tomorrow Gail. Happy Scrapping.


Challenge 4 - Goals

A is for Amazing. R is for Racers. The 4th challenge is to scrap the letter "G". G is for Goal. The host for this challenge is located here.

Look what we get for participating.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Challenge #3 - Gail

I finally got some inspiration and completed my layout for this challenge! I was beginning to get worried and when Laura asked me if I needed any help, I knew she was beginning to worry, also! Never fear, Laura...I wasn't about to let you down. Without further ado...Here is my interpretation of this week's challenge:

I can hear ya'll laughing at me right now (Diane!), but let me tell you...When I got that cell phone bill yesterday, I wasn't laughing! No sirree, Bob! I panicked...at least until I saw the total due. Whew! It was actually $30.00 less than last month! You parents of teenagers know what I'm talking about. I flipped through this thing and the first 7 pages are breakdowns of my phone usage and my husband's phone usage. The remaining 243(!) pages is the breakdown of my daughter's 11,538 TEXT messages! Yeah...you read that right...11,538 in one month! As my husband pointed out, that's almost 400 per day. Don't you think her thumbs would get tired or cramped or something??? All I can say is, "Thank goodness for unlimited text message plans!"

'Til Thursday....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Challenge 3 - Once Upon a Time - Sisters

Wow, I came home from a long day with the kids and so wanted to scrap to relax before heading off to bed. I couldn't believe that challenge 3 was posted so early. Thanks Gail for catching this and sending me a PM. Here's hoping that challenge 4 (Thursday) gets posted early as well.

The layout I just finished for this challenge took me 2 hours. Why? Well, I had purchased and downloaded a ton of kits yesterday and did not unzip them. Two of those kits I wanted to use in my layout. So I wound up unzipping a ton of files and organizing before I actually got to the kits that I wanted. Go figure. I always get side-tracked in everything I do, including scrapping.

Below are the two kits I was searching for. They can be found here.

At first I was going to do a 3 wishes page but then changed my mind and wound up using a wordart I already had in my stash that said, "Once Upon a Time". Then I used one of the windows in the above kit for my framing of my children's faces. Since there were only 2 spaces for photos I went with a sister layout. If you can't read the journaling this is what it says:
There were 2 little girls soon to be 3 years old. They were triplets. They had a brother. They had to share everything including their birthday. They faught often. Sharing was hard.

Here's my layout for the challenge.

Looking forward to seeing Gail's layout when she finally decides what to do. Gail, you can do it. I'm cheering you on.

Challenge 4 - I'm waiting.


Challenge #3

Our next challenge is up and it reads:

All ye gathered are challenged to create a fairytale or storybook layout with one of these themes:
Once Upon a Time; Three Wishes; If I were Queen (or Princess or Prince or King) of the World.

And I thought the museum challenge was hard! I'm having a real creative blog right now. Hmmm...what to do? Maybe I can get my daughter's perspective on three wishes or my husband's thoughts on what he would do if he were King. Naw...he's been sick with a terrible cold since Thursday and I am more than ready for him to get better! I DO NOT make a good nurse!

Anyway...I digress! Look at this super cute kit we get for finishing this challenge! Isn't it adorable?! It's from KB and Friends and, according to their forum, it will be for sale in their shop after the race.

Ok, I'm done for now. I'm off to think about how I'm going to interpret this challenge! Have a great week and we'll talk soon!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Challenge 2 - Teamwork

The challenge was for both of us to make one layout as a team using red, flowers, 2 photos, friendship and doodles. My very first thought was red flowers. Photos of red flowers. But I don't have any photos of red flowers. Neither did Gail. I even took some photos today at the library of my children near red flowers. Figuring maybe I could use them.

Then after giving it much thought we decided that it should be one photo from each of us. But what of? Our children? Ourselves? Then it hit me. How about a photo of our houses and our friendship. Both Gail and I are members of Club Deco and for the month of July the theme is "The Journey Traveled" . In that kit there are images of the 50 states plus charms of the states too. I thought it would work perfectly with our layout.

The quote I found searching for long distance friendships. Gail provided the doodles and background. With a couple of passing back and forth of the layout we managed to make this beautiful page together. It was a lot of fun.

Yes! We completed Challenge 2 and not only do we go onto challenge 3 on Monday but we each earned this beautiful kit from pickleberrypop for participating.

Stay tuned till Monday.


Challenge 2 - Intersection!

Challenge #2 has been assigned. This time each team must collaborate on ONE layout and must use the specified items. Which are: Doodle; Friendship; 2 photos; Red; Flower.

This should be a lot easier for me! Laura can scrap anything!! She's so good! Now, if she would just wake up and check her messages.

Laura.....WAKE UP!! I know you have things to do today (unlike me, she has a real life), so you need to get out of bed and get the day started, girl. Guess I'll just go have another cup of coffee while I wait on my partner.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Challenge #1 - Gail

After agonizing over this layout for hours, I finally got it done! I'm not really that happy with it, but it does meet the requirements specified. Only one of the photos on the page is mine; the other two are stock photos from the museum's website. The 6th Floor Museum really didn't fit my stereotype of a museum. It was really, really cool. I remember the day President Kennedy was shot very clearly. I was 8 years old and in 3rd grade. They made the announcement at school that our President had been shot. Shortly after the announcement they dismissed school early. I didn't really understand the impact of our President getting shot, but I knew getting out of school early was a BIG DEAL!!

Anyway...here's my layout...such as it is! Have a great day and I'll see you on Thursday when we get our next challenge. Hopefully, it'll be something easier to scrap!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Oh Me! Oh My!

MUSEUM-related??? Oh, good gravy....This girl doesn't do museums! Why couldn't that first challenge be about something like....well, CHOCOLATE!! Now that's a subject I know. I've got tons of it sitting right here beside my computer for that extra burst of energy during the race. I could easily snap off oh...a dozen or so photos right now! I could have that page done in no time flat. Museums....geez.....guess I've got some searching to do.

And just look what my partner did!! Isn't that just the cutest page! Laura, is that really you dressed as Dorothy? As my grandmother would say, "You are just as cute as a button!"

I want to know how you got that page done so fast? I'm still agonizing over mine. Thank goodness we have until Sunday to get this thing done. I sure hope Thursday's challenge is easier. I'm just so afraid they're going to tell us it has to be OPERA-related!! Fair warning, Laura...if it is, this old gal will stumble!

I'll be back later to post my museum-related page. Just don't hold your breath waiting for something wonderful!

Challenge 1 - Laura

Okay, my first thought was to do something with dinosaurs. I haven't gone to a museum in years. Probably back when I was in grade school so I had no photos. Off to the world wide web I searched. I first looked for dinosaurs. Then trains since my son is getting into trains a lot more lately. While searching for those two things I came across the slippers that Judy Garland wore in the movie, "Wizard of Oz." A light came on in my head. Wait, I was Dorothy one year for Halloween. Now, what year was that? I had to go searching. Luckily, all my photos before the kids were born are actually paper scrapped so it wasn't that hard to find the photo. Once I found the year it was taken, I was able to go to the box for the negatives. Unfortunately, back in the year 2000 I was not digital and I only had negatives so I had to scan my photo to make this page for the challenge. The word amazing I used in my journaling about the facts of the shoes and the shoes at the bottom of the page were taken from the National Air and Space Museum website.

Looking forward to challenge 2.

Challenge 1 - Museums

So the first challenge, should you accept it, is to scrap something museum-related. It can be a museum you've been to, one you'd like to go to, or an exhibit you'd LOVE to see in your lifetime. Maybe a famous painting or work of art you've always wanted to see in person, because let's face it, printed poster reproductions just don't even come close.

And because this is The Amazing Digi Scrapping Race and nothing is ever that easy, you must use the word "Amazing" somewhere on your layout. It can be in the photograph itself, in your title, or journaling, etc. Up to you how and where it is incorporated.

Don't forget to post your layout in your "official" gallery by midnight Sunday, July 22 to be eligible to go on.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

One More Day

Gail, You have me cracking up laughing. Now, I need to get some chocolate. I'm actually running off to the store to get milk so I'll add chocolate to my list of things to get and tv dinners very smart idea.

I actually scrapped last night a page and my computer crashed! It hasn't done that in a while. I lost the entire layout and had to do it all over again. I realized that all the stuff I purchased in the past 3 days from the sales have filled up my space again and I have no disk space left. So this morning I moved some files to disk again. I certainly do not want to crash during the race.

I so need to stay off the computer but I'm running out of things to do! The race starts tomorrow so I don't want to do any major challenges.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

3 More Days

Am I ready? Well, I've been moving files off my computer trying to make room because I'm running out of disk space again. It sure doesn't help when there are digital sales all over the web celebrating Christmas in July. Not only are there sales on kits but there are tons of freebies too. I got some really cute stuff in the past 3 or 4 days. Hope I'm able to use it during the race. Three more days, Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Can't wait.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Countdown Continues

Registration is now closed and there are 188 teams signed up! WOW! Slowly counting down....5 more days! Are we ready, Laura?


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Only 6 days away until we start. Tomorrow is the close for registration but as of now there are 150 teams and the grand prize is over $800. Tick Tock! Tick Tock!


Monday, July 9, 2007

Check Out ADSR Blog

Check out the ADSR Blog here. They added our blog address. So if you lose us and have their website you can find us there too.

Can you tell I'm so excited. Only one week left until our challenges are posted. They will be posted on Monday and Thursday. We will have until Sunday to post our layouts.

Until next time.